Bersabeh Mekasha


Bersabeh is a doctor who is passionate about shaping the next generation to build stronger communities through her project Sexual Health Education for Better Awareness (SHEBA). She seeks to ensure that all youth in rural Ethiopia have access to sexual health education and works with Ethiopian Medical Students Association Addis Ababa (EMSA AA).

Fiscal Sponsor: COYDOE

Project Title: SHE Matters!

SHE Matters! aims to prevent early marriages in the Amhara Region in rural Ethiopia, where child marriage is highly prevalent. SHE Matters! will select and train 20 Youth Task Force leaders from a local high school to serve as peer educators and reach thousands of youth in the school by conducting sexual and reproductive health and rights workshops and other school wide events to equip students with knowledge of their reproductive rights and raise awareness of the negative impacts of early marriage. The Youth Task Force will also increase access to sexual and reproductive health services by facilitating private referrals and appointments between students and a youth-friendly health center.

Rise Up Cohort: Youth Champion 2019