Levis Onsase | Jhpiego Kenya

Levis is a dedicated advocate for the prevention of non-communicable diseases among youth. He a Coordinator for the Innovations and Healthy Heart Africa programs at Jhpiego Kenya, an international non-profit health organization affiliated with Johns Hopkins University. Levis’ work focuses on education, awareness, and control of hypertension among youth and adult groups and on advocating for public commitment toward sexual … Read More

Phyllis Kamau | National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK)

Phyllis is a committed public health expert with a passion for health advocacy. She is the Regional Coordinator for the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) in charge of health advocacy projects in Nairobi and its five counties. At NCCK, Phyllis leads regional coordination, staff mentoring, project monitoring and evaluation, and performance management. She has a Bachelor’s degree in … Read More

Abdulhamid Sakar

Abdulhamid is passionate about the range of issues affecting Muslim youth in Kenya. He is a Team Leader for the Kenya Muslim Youth Alliance, which is a national Muslim Youth Network formed in 2002 to articulate a wide range of challenges affecting Muslim youth in Kenya. Abdulhamid works with the Board of the organization and participates in resource mobilization. He … Read More

Imelda Namayi | National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK)

Imelda is a deeply committed to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health, cancer and blood pressure awareness, and alcohol and drug abuse reduction. She is a Programme Officer for Education and Health at the National Council of Churches of Kenya, and has worked with religious leaders and congregations to address health and education issues … Read More

James Kinyua Nyaga | German Foundation for World Population

James is a passionate advocate for the health of young people and women in Kenya. As National Team Coordinator for Resources Mobilization at the German Foundation for World Population, he leads the health and advocacy programs targeting the country’s young people and women and builds the operational capacity of civil society organizations to better access resources in support of family planning. … Read More

Mercy Kamau | Jhpiego

Mercy is a tireless advocate for increasing the uptake of family planning services in Kenya. She is a Community Mobilization Officer at Jhpiego, an affiliate of John Hopkins University. Under the Kenya Urban Reproductive Health Initiative, she offers technical support to implementing partners in designing promotional and advocacy strategies that lead to increased demand, access and use of high quality … Read More

Liam Sollis | Young Health Programme (YHP)

Liam is dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of young people through prevention of the most common non-communicable diseases (NCDs). He is a Programme Policy and Advocacy Manager at the Young Health Programme (YHP) where he leads policy, advocacy, and research work. He focuses on). He represents the YHP in external policy forums and also leads Plan UK’s public engagement … Read More