Prem Shankar

Integrator, Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN)

Prem Shankar joined Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN) in 2007 where he currently is an Integrator. Prem integrates PRADAN’s programs in the South Chotanagpur Development Cluster of Jharkhand. Additionally, he oversees a partnership initiative between the CSO consortium and the government and anchors the forest theme in Jharkhand. Prem has worked extensively in the promotion and nursing of women’s self-help groups (SHGs) and their tier organizations such as cluster and block level federations. He has also been involved with the promotion of small holder’s livelihood like agriculture, horticulture, and NRM based interventions. Prem is a passionate advocate for the rights of women and people from disadvantaged sections of society and strives for bringing equity to society especially to the tribal hinterland of Jharkhand. He is a management graduate (MBA in HRM) and extensively worked on scaling up horticulture for small, marginal, and women farmers in the South Chotanagpur division of Jharkhand.

Rise Up Cohort: Jharkhand, India 2024