Shifting Power in Central America

Rise Up girl leaders in Honduras with members of our global team.

Since Rise Up began in 2009, we have invested in girl-led and girl-centered advocacy in Guatemala and Honduras, strengthening the movement for gender equity across Central America. Building on our 15 years of impact, Central American leaders will set the course for the next exciting phase of our work in the region. Shifting power and decision-making to leaders and advocates based in Guatemala and Honduras will continue to create lasting and large-scale change for women and girls. 

Our powerful network of more than 200 local leaders in Central America are strongly positioned to lead our work in the region, leveraging the remarkable advocacy wins they have achieved, including advocating for a national ban on child marriage in Guatemala, securing municipal policies and budgets to prevent and address teenage pregnancy in Honduras, and establishing protocols in multiple countries to end gender-based violence.

At the forefront of this shift are two exceptional leaders: Juany Garcia and Emerita Valdez. Juany and Emerita are Rise Up alumni who led Rise Up’s work in Central America for over a decade. They both have a deep understanding of local political contexts, lasting relationships with Rise Up Leaders and local organizations, and extensive expertise in girl-centered leadership and advocacy. As lifelong advocates for women and girls, Juany and Emerita were also vital to shaping this next phase of our work. 

“As Juany and Emerita step into greater leadership roles shaping the future of Rise Up work in Guatemala and Honduras, their experience and understanding of local contexts will create lasting and positive change for women and girls,” Patzia Martinez, Project Manager at Rise Up, said. “I am excited as their leadership not only continues the powerful legacy of Rise Up but also sets the stage for a brighter future.”

Rise Up girl leaders in Guatemala.

Juany was a member of the region’s first cohort of leaders in 2009 and supports Rise Up’s girl-led network, Las Niñas Lideran (LNL), or “Girls Lead,” a powerful network of girl leaders advocating for the rights of girls and women across the nation. Through Las Niñas Lideran, girls across Guatemala have advocated for equity in sexual and reproductive health care, access to education, and the reduction of gender-based violence in their local communities. 

“My hope for the future is personal and professional growth for each member of Las Niñas Lideran, and that this space allows them to dream big, develop, grow, and become successful professionals,” Juany said.

Melody Yeleny Juárez Buch and her late mother Veronica Buch, a beloved member of the Rise Up global team and a lifelong advocate for girls.

Melody Yeleny Juárez Buch joined LNL at just 11 years old. Her mother, Veronica (Vero) Buch, was part of Rise Up’s first cohort in 2009 and later joined Rise Up as a beloved member of our global team in Guatemala in 2013. Veronica tragically passed away in 2023, but her unwavering belief and commitment to girls’ potential lives on through Melody. With training and support from Rise Up, Melody joined a successful movement for a national ban on child marriage, positively impacting 2 million Guatemalan girls.

Emerita served as the key point of contact for Rise Up Leaders in Honduras and was also a member of the first cohort in 2009, alongside Juany and Vero. She guides advocacy efforts in Honduras to improve the lives of adolescent girls.

From L-R, Emerita Valdez, Rise Up’s Associate Director of Programs Claudia Romeu, Veronica Buch, and Juany Garcia.

“I am excited to continue supporting girls, adolescents, and women from an autonomous, creative, and relevant perspective that addresses the reality they live in from a community, regional, and national level in Honduras,” Emerita said. 

We see this shift as a powerful transformation. Going forward, Juany, Emerita, and fellow leaders in Central America will lead our leadership and advocacy approach to best respond to the local context and emerging needs. Ultimately, through strategic girl-led and girl-centered advocacy for laws, policies, and programs, local leaders and organizations will continue to improve girls’ education, health, economic opportunity, and equity.

Rise Up is committed to the long-term success of our partners and gender equity movements in Central America. As Juany, Emerita, and Melody lead this exciting new phase of our work, we will continue to provide ongoing grant funding to support their advocacy. Our team will also provide continued coaching on fundraising, organizational development, and monitoring and evaluation to support this transition.

We are excited about Rise Up’s transition to full local leadership in Guatemala and Honduras as we work toward a Central America where every girl and woman has the opportunity to reach her full potential and thrive.