February 28, 2023
As we expand our work with new leaders in different regions, we rely on the expertise and relationships of our global team. Rise Up staff who live in the communities and countries where we work have established deep connections with partner organizations in the gender equity space.
A new intensive leadership training with 22 leaders in Delhi, India begins this month. Vidhu Prabha, Rise Up’s Country Lead in India, is one key member of our team who provides essential support, guidance, and insight for local leaders as they work to end child marriage, prevent gender-based violence, increase access to sexual and reproductive health care, advance girls’ education, and create new economic opportunities for women.
Watch the 2-minute video below to hear Vidhu share how her experience growing up in India led her to this work and how Rise Up Leaders in the country—including a growing number of male allies—are creating meaningful, lasting change.
Rise Up is also committed to strategically expanding its work in impactful ways in the United States. There are currently more than 60 Rise Up Leaders in the U.S. from California, Louisiana, and Missisppi. Our goal is to grow the number of U.S.-based leaders who are advocating on urgent issues such as protecting sexual and reproductive health and rights, LGBTQ+ rights, immigrant rights, and ending mass incarceration, among others.
Much of the social justice work of Rise Up Leaders in the U.S. mirrors what leaders in our global network are working on in their communities and countries. In fact, leaders in cohorts with geographic diversity are always surprised to see clear parallels among their work.
Claudia Romeu, Rise Up’s Associate Director of Programs, lives in the Bay Area of California and works closely with leaders in the U.S. She supports U.S. Rise Up Leaders in their efforts to connect with decision-makers to strengthen gender equity for women, girls, and gender-nonconforming people.
Rise Up will launch its second cohort of leaders in California this summer.
Watch the short video below to hear Claudia share her personal inspiration to make the world a better place, including her own community, and how determined young leaders keep her hopeful for the future.
We look forward to introducing you to new Rise Up Leaders from Delhi and California this year – and can’t wait for you to hear from more members of our talented global team.