Yeabsira Bogale


Yeabsira is a powerful activist for girls’ and women’s health and rights in Ethiopia and around the world. A member of Rise Up’s Youth Champions Initiative cohort, Yeabsira is the Executive Director of the Consortium of Youth Development Organizations in Ethiopia (COYDOE). With support from Rise Up, Yeabsira launched a gaming pilot program to promote sexual and reproductive health among youth in Ethiopia. Honored as a Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Champion by the United Nations and World Merit, Yeabsira was named an SDG Goalkeeper by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Yeabsira has a B.A. in Economics from Arba Minch University and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Development Management at American University School of International Service.  She is the Country Coordinator of the African Youth Initiative on Climate Change in Ethiopia and has worked in the field of youth sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Yeabsira was the Senior Advisor at Talent Youth Association and served as Chair of the MenEngage Africa Youth Advisory Group. She implemented her winning Youth Champions pilot project called “Gamification in SRHR” by developing innovative educational games in Ethiopia, which positively influence young people’s SRH choices.

Rise Up Cohort: Youth Champion 2015