Collective Impact Partnership Announces Grantees!

Launched in early 2018, Rise Up’s Collective Impact Partnership (CIP) with Global Fund for Women, How Women Lead, Public Health Institute, and World Pulse is thrilled to announce our first round of seed grants for advancing women’s economic empowerment and justice in Maharashtra, India!

Selecting from project proposals developed by the 22 powerful leaders we engaged in Leadership and Advocacy Accelerator workshops in July and September 2018, CIP has competitively awarded seed grants of $32,000 to ten of the strongest projects designed to improve policies and laws and their implementation; advance women’s economic justice; and increase access to resources that promote women’s economic empowerment.

The grants will support leaders to implement their advocacy strategies over the next two years. These seed grants are a vital component of CIP’s strategy to enable visionary leaders to apply their new skills to advance the legal and policy frameworks, political will, and governmental accountability necessary to economically empower women and girls.

Projects will work to limit gender discrimination in the workplace, expand access to government land entitlement, prevent sexual harassment in higher education, boost financial literacy among elected representatives of government, and more – all with the broader goal of advancing women’s economic empowerment and justice, both locally and nationally.

The ten selected grantees, including CIP leader, organization, and project description, include:

Anuradha Bhosale
Fostering socioeconomic empowerment among waste pickers by engaging local municipal corporations to employ 1500 waste pickers in waste segregation work.

Deepa Pawar
Supporting safety and higher education outcomes for women by advancing the implementation of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy (PoSH) at public colleges.

Kajal Jain
Increasing women’s land ownership and economic security by advocating with government officials for the reinforcement of agricultural land title registration in women’s names.

Kushaverta Bele
GMVS, Deoni
Increasing women’s land ownership and expanding opportunities for women farmers through health, education, empowerment, and advocacy.

Madhuri Deshkar, Malti Sagane, Nanda Gaikwad, & Ratnamala Sudesh Vaidhya
Advancing gender equity policy and outcomes by increasing the capacities and power of women in elected positions to make budgetary and financial decisions.

Mahananda Chauhan
Kamdhenu Saamajik
Expanding women’s access to land ownership and economic security by ensuring the registration of joint property rights among married couples in local communities.

Naseem Shaikh
Swayam Shikshan Prayog
Expanding opportunities and resources for women farmers by facilitating access to benefits through the Project on Climate Resilient Agriculture (PoCRA) and other programs.

Pratibha Ukey
Increasing women’s land ownership by advocating for the local implementation of the Hindu Succession Act and other policies.

Sabah Khan
Parcham; Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Advancing women’s safety and economic security by advocating for harassment prevention policies in the workplace for women from minority communities.

Savita Jadhav
Sadhana Institute for Sustainable Development
Fostering gender equity by institutionalizing gender responsive budgeting within local civic administrative bodies and ensuring that budgets earmarked for women reach them.

Collective Impact Partnership is excited to invest in these promising leaders and their bold work to drive change for girls and women in Maharashtra and greater India.

Learn more about the Collective Impact Partnership via Rise Up.

Explore World Pulse’s CIP hub, including campaign pages for leaders. (To access this page, users must sign up for a free World Pulse account.)