Rise Up recently held its third Leadership and Advocacy Accelerator training program in Mexico. In August, we met and trained the latest cohort of 25 Rise Up Leaders in Mexico with a diverse array of professional backgrounds, experiences, and issue areas. These new Rise Up Leaders can now apply for competitive grant funding to carry out advocacy projects focused on strengthening gender equity in education, health care, and economic opportunity.
We asked three new leaders in Mexico to share what they learned during the Rise Up Accelerator training and how it will shape their advocacy and leadership going forward.

Yesica Yolanda Rangel Flores, Full-Time Research Professor, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
“Getting to know the women in this cohort will strengthen initiatives and projects that seek to empower women locally in the state of San Luis Potosí. The model in which we were trained allows me to think more concretely about problems and their potential solutions, allowing me to propose more realistic and faster ways to solve them.”

Martha Graciela Ramos Carrasco, Founder and Director, Mujeres por México en Chihuahua A.C.
“What I have acquired to date [at the Accelerator training] has helped me clarify a macro- objective and envision a series of changes that are necessary for access to justice for multiple revictimized women in the state… Suddenly I realized that it could be possible!”

María Teresa Galicia Saldaña, Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social, Gobierno del Estado de San Luis Potosí
“It has been an extraordinary experience to learn about the Rise Up methodology for political advocacy and discover more possibilities to place on the agendas the issues of our interest. With this methodology, I now have a clearer path to engage with political actors who can help make the changes we seek a reality, such as in the area of labor equality. In addition to governmental actors, business stakeholders are crucial for achieving the changes we want for the benefit of working women.”
*Quotes have been translated from Spanish and edited for length and clarity.
Meet all of the new Rise Up Leaders in Mexico here. Stay tuned for more updates about how Mexico leaders are advocating for gender equity and justice in their local communities and country.